Category: Incident Reporting

Healthcare Quality

Key Findings: Safety Incident Reporting in Care Homes

In this blog, we are sharing the key findings on safety incident reporting in care homes in a paper published by the Journal of Advanced Nursing. The study was a systematic review on the types of safety incidents, the processes and systems used for safety incident reporting in the care home sector.

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Healthcare Quality

Incident Reporting in Nursing Homes: A Closer Look

The nursing home sector plays a vital role in caring for the aged and some of the most vulnerable groups in society. Healthcare needs of the elderly are rising and getting more complex, so is the focus on resident safety and quality of care. Incident reporting is integral to ensuring safety and quality of care. Under-reporting of incidents in the nursing home sector, as revealed by some studies, is an area of concern.

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Healthcare Quality

Reporting and Prevention of Needlestick Injuries

Needlestick and sharps injury (NSI) is a serious occupational hazard and health concern. Healthcare workers (HCWs) who have frequent exposure to needles are at increased risk of NSIs. Sharps exposures can lead to serious or fatal infections with bloodborne pathogens such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, or HIV. Proper reporting and prevention strategies are crucial in mitigating these risks.

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Healthcare Quality

Online Incident Reporting: Key to Fostering Open Communication

Open communication is critical in fostering a safety culture and a positive work environment in healthcare. In this blog, we look at the pivotal role of online incident reporting in fostering open communication and creating a culture of safety, transparency, active learning, and continuous improvement.

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Incident Reporting

The Essential Guide to Reporting Pressure Ulcer Incidents

Pressure ulcers, also known as pressure injuries or bedsores, are a significant health issue. Pressure ulcers develop when there is constant pressure on a particular area of the skin, often from lying in the same position for too long without relief. The harm can vary in severity, from mild reddening of the skin to deep wounds that extend into the muscle and bone.

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Healthcare Quality

Breaking Barriers: Digitally Empowering Medication Error Reporting

Medication error (ME) is a key patient safety concern and a leading cause of avoidable patient harm in healthcare systems. However, MEs often go undetected or underreported. Reporting MEs is crucial for patient safety and continuous quality improvement in all healthcare organizations.

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Healthcare Quality

Preventing Patient Falls: The Critical Role of Incident Reporting

Falls are a prevalent safety concern and a leading cause of injuries involving patients and long-term care residents. It leads to injuries, longer length of hospital stays, post-fall anxiety and financial burdens. According to JCI Sentinel Event database, inpatient falls with serious injuries accounted for 42% of total sentinel events reported in hospitals in 2022.

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Healthcare Quality

Insights from a Healthcare Worker Safety Survey

Our recent survey on workplace safety and health (WSH) in the healthcare sector found: There is heightened awareness of WSH in the healthcare sector, but barriers to reporting workplace incidents and hazards remain a challenge. Fear of punitive actions and heavy workload are the main reasons healthcare employees are not reporting WSH incidents and hazards.

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